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  1. Yellow Aqeeq Stone: Incredible Gemstone

    Yellow Aqeeq Stone: Incredible Gemstone

    Agate or aqeeq stone which is a banded form of quartz stone was named after the Achates River (now known as the Dirillo River) on the island of Sicily. Agate stone had been discovered by the Neolithic people and since then served as an essential gemstone in ornamentation. It is more prevalently located around the early volcanic regions and natural gases trapped after eruptions in these regions, carve out its unique color and stiffness. It is usually found near coral and limestone-rich

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  2. 7 Reasons to Wear a Tiger Eye Ring

    7 Reasons to Wear a Tiger Eye Ring

    How do you feel when you look at the eyes of a powerful cat? You feel power, strength, even luck…

    What is Tiger Eye Stone?

    Tiger's eye (also called tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red-brown color and a silky luster. These stones are usually brown but also red and yellow tones can be observed.

    The largest number of Tiger Eye Stones are found in South Africa, but it also comes from Brazil, India, Burma, Western Australia, and the USA.
    What Are the Benefits of Tiger Eye Stone?

    Tiger eye stones are one of the most widely used gemstones in jewelry and men’s accessories. It’s not used only for its charming look; it also has several benefits.

    2-1. For Meditation

    Tiger’s Eye Stone is bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and a better understanding of

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  3. Agate Stone Ring for Eternal Youth

    Agate Stone Ring for Eternal Youth

    1. Spiritual Benefits of Agate Rings

    1-1. Growth and stability: Agate stone ring helps to stabilize mental balance and enables the brain to function ordinarily.
    1-2. Stress Relieving: Wearing an agate ring reduces stress levels gradually, making it easier to overcome anxiety.
    1-3. Self-Confidence: Agate stone strengthens communication skills and boosts self-confidence.
    2. Physical and Mental Benefits of Agate Rings

    2-1. Health Benefits: Agate stone is beneficial for the digestive system, heart, and circulatory system. It supports self-analysis and perception of hidden diseases.

    3. Color Types of Agate Ring

    3-1. Moss Agate Ring: Balancing tranquilizer with anti-inflammatory properties.
    3-2. Fire Agate Ring: Encourages being the best and may help with depression

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  4. What is the 925 Sterling Silver? Everything You Need to Know

    What is the 925 Sterling Silver? Everything You Need to Know

    Why 925 Sterling Silver?

    Silver is a periodic element in the IB group on the periodic schedule. The date was used by the Silver Egyptians in 3100. Silver in bright white is a metal that is harder and easier to handle than gold. The silver settings are determined within a thousand systems. The value of the purest silver is considered to be 1000. Widely known as 'Sterling silver' in jewelry and jewelry making, 925-carat silver is used. 925-carat silver 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. The composition provided in these ratios with copper is an ideal blend for silver jewelry. The 925-carat silver is an accepted silver setting in European standards, forming a great silver jewelry material for designers.

    925-Carat Silver Jewelry

    The 925 Sterling silver used by jewelry designers is the ideal silver setting for Silver Jewelry making.

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  5. How to Identify Real Amber from Fake?

    How to Identify Real Amber from Fake?

    Nowadays, many people prefer charms made of amber for both themselves and their families, in order to take advantage of the healing and supportive effects of treatment. At the same time, this popularity of amber necklaces, bracelets, and rosary, which is also a good gift alternative, attracts the attention of crooks and opporresters. Fortunately, you can easily understand whether the product you purchased is made from real amber, thanks to the main methods you can implement. Here are a few tips and suggestions:

    Check out the product of the ammunition you purchased. True amber beads have a different and unique structure; it is normal for them to have defects such as air bubbles, small marks, and cracks. They are found in different sizes and shapes, not in standard sizes. When you touch real enchantment, you get a feeling much warmer than the fake ones.

    One of the most effective ways of separating fake amber

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  6. Discovering the Magic of Amber: An Introduction to the Amber Gemstone

    Discovering the Magic of Amber: An Introduction to the Amber Gemstone

    Amber is the fossilized resin of a pine species. Today, it is a semi-transparent and easily breakable fossil in various colors ranging from light yellow to red, which is used in ornaments and jewelry making. It is a stone that can gain the ability to pull small objects into a place when it is buried.

    The most common destinations are the Baltic Sea, Burma, Lebanon, Sicily, Mexico, Romania, Canada, Dominican Republic, Poland, and the Atlantic. The baltic amber from the Baltic Sea (Poland) has been adopted as one of the most popular stones from women's ornamentals for centuries. It is not possible to compare it with any translucent stone in terms of brightness and color. Fossilized insects adhering to enchantment, overgrowth of wild plants, important features not seen in other stones, and those with insect yard plant fossils are considered to be more valuable.

    Amber, especially when heated, has electrical and magnetic properties revealed.

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  7. The Symbol of Love and Commitment: A Guide to Wedding Rings

    The Symbol of Love and Commitment: A Guide to Wedding Rings

    Let's face it, it's not easy to find the right wedding ring that you will wear for a lifetime as a symbol of love and devotion. Because, among the thousands of models, you will try to find the most beautiful wedding ring that addresses your partner's common tastes, but also the ring that you will buy must be useful and worthy of their hands. Don't get depressed right now! There are some key points to choosing wedding rings and I will share all of them with you in this article. Should we start without wasting time?

    How to select wedding Rings?
    When choosing a wedding ring you will look for models that appeal to your common taste. For this, you can come up with two wedding rings with separate male and female versions. Because the double set of wedding rings sold in pairs is a personalized version of the men's and women's rings.

    Generally, wedding rings with stones and patterned rings are available

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  8. Gleaming and Radiant: An Introduction to the Gemstone Garnet

    Gleaming and Radiant: An Introduction to the Gemstone Garnet

    Garnet stone can be transparent or opaque in a wide variety of colors, i.e. semi-transparent. It is commonly known as the red one and is referred to as the “Tulip stone”. Garnet, also known as the "dreamer" or "stone of mercy," is a circular or oval-shaped stone.

    Lal's male type is dark red and the female type is light red. Garnet is not included in any mineral group. The chemical compositions and colors of the stones in the Garnet group are different. Therefore, it is classified as an independent stone. The colors can vary from dark red to orange and sometimes from purple to Lilaya.

    Laluche is a natural stone that helps people to take all their negative energies and convert them to positive ones. The heart-shaped pearl stones represent lovers and wives. The stone is actually called 3 names: Garnet stone, Lal stone, and Garnet.

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  9. Discover the Rare Beauty of Zultanite

    Discover the Rare Beauty of Zultanite

    The trend of recent years continues to rise rapidly, zultanite. And what makes him so valuable?

    Zultanite, which has begun to be known and known on Earth for nearly 80 years, has been very popular in the last 10 years, and Zultanite is one of the 5 stones that can change color in nature. This gives him a reason to be so popular and valuable. The Zultanite Stone has a hardness between 6.5 – 7 according to the Mohs hardness scale. However, it is gently removed with the help of the chip to be used without process after removal. With the color varying by light, it is possible to see many colors in the Zultanite Stone, mainly pink, green, and brown.

    This valuable stone which is called "Diaspor" in the field of mining and presented to the users with its Zultanite brand was first introduced in 2005 in Muğla Milas. Murat Akgün, who owns the diaspora, was inspired by the word "sultan"

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  10. Shine Bright with Chrysolite: An Introduction to the Gemstone

    Shine Bright with Chrysolite: An Introduction to the Gemstone

    In nature, the Chrysolite stone, which is found in olive green, honey color, red, and brown, is opaque before it is processed. After being cut and polished, it becomes a crystal stone.

    The United States is concentrated in Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Russia, Sri Lanka, and the Canary Islands. In ancient times, it was believed that the Chrysolite Stone was a gem that kept evil spirits away. Used for jewelry and decoration. Nowadays it is believed to be a protective stone for the aura. It's more of a stone with a positive effect on the spiritual aspect. The appearance should not be confused as it resembles the Emerald stone.

    Chrysolite is a stone that is very useful. Chrysolite is a powerful cleansing stone.

    • It helps to eliminate all toxins, neutralizes, and cleanses the body and mind.
    • It opens, cleans, and activates the heart and abdomen.
    • It removes the body from all the old loads.
    • Provides

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  11. Unveiling the Beauty of Ruby: A Guide to the Gemstone

    Unveiling the Beauty of Ruby: A Guide to the Gemstone

    Ruby, one of the most precious stones in terms of beauty and aesthetics, is known as the master of stones in India. The Ruby, which belongs to the corundum group, is the most precious and hardest stone after the Diamond. The hardness of the Ruby is 9.0, melting point is 2050 °C.

    It has a range of colors in various shades of red, from red to brown or from pink to lilac. The red color of the Ruby is the chrome element inside.

    Ruby was used in making the first laser. Contrary to what I think, making a laser with ruby is not easy.

    Although Ruby is a naturally unflattering stone, it can be as glamorous as diamonds when handled with skilled hands. The most precious Ruby is red blood.

    Ruby gives people a sense of freedom and a revival effect. Courage, leadership, happiness. The Ruby stone stimulates blood circulation in a positive way. Gives a sense of courage and self-esteem to the person who carries it. The red

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  12. The Radiant Gem of the Beryl Family: A Look into Emerald

    The Radiant Gem of the Beryl Family: A Look into Emerald

    The stone of mythology and legends Emerald is one of the four most valuable stones in the world. (Other precious stones are Diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. Stones other than these are considered to be semi-precious stones. This gas is like rotten eggs. The presence of pyrite in the stone is often important to distinguish natural lapis lazuli from many lap imitations. The most valuable lapis lazuli stone is taken out in Afghanistan. In addition, America, Pakistan, Canada, Siberia, Angola, Chile, and Switzerland is also released.

    The emerald was believed to rain because the color was green. Emerald stone has been used as jewelry for centuries. Emerald mines in ancient Egypt, BC. It goes back to 1650. Emerald has traditionally been regarded as the birthstone of May. Also in some cultures, emerald is known as a traditional gift for the 55th wedding

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