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Men Fashion

  1. Discover 6 Essential Things For Turquoise Stone Ring

    Discover 6 Essential Things For Turquoise Stone Ring

    Turquoise Stone in History

    The turquoise stone belongs to the phosphate mineral family, consisting of hydrated copper, phosphate, and aluminum minerals.

    One of the most valuable non-metal and non-transparent gemstones in the jewelry market, turquoise with its pure color and wonderful pattern has been prevalently utilized in building decorations and jewelry trade throughout history.

    The mining of turquoise stone dates back to Ancient Egypt, Egyptians believed that turquoise stone was a powerful source of protection. So it was often found in Egyptian tombs to protect the person through his or her journey to the afterlife. People of Ancient Indus were wearing turquoise stone as beads, pendants, bangles, and bracelets. It is also been used as an ornament in facade decorations of ancient structures in Egypt and India. Turquoise is one of the 43 different kinds of stones that compose the Taj Mahal, the white-marble mausoleum built by Mughal Emperor Shah

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  2. Yellow Aqeeq Stone: Incredible Gemstone

    Yellow Aqeeq Stone: Incredible Gemstone

    Agate or aqeeq stone which is a banded form of quartz stone was named after the Achates River (now known as the Dirillo River) on the island of Sicily. Agate stone had been discovered by the Neolithic people and since then served as an essential gemstone in ornamentation. It is more prevalently located around the early volcanic regions and natural gases trapped after eruptions in these regions, carve out its unique color and stiffness. It is usually found near coral and limestone-rich

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  3. 9 Reasons to Wear a Silver Aqeeq Stone Ring

    9 Reasons to Wear a Silver Aqeeq Stone Ring

    Agate stones, aqeeq stones, or aqeeq stones are one of the most widely used gemstones in jewelry and men's accessories. In this post we will answer questions like:

    1. What are aqeeq rings?

    Aqeeq stone or agate stone is a type of silica stone, available in many colors. They are usually banded or striped. Aqeeq stone has a lower vibration intensity than other stones. Ageeq stone is believed to have numerous influences on the human mind.

    2. Why do people prefer to wear aqeeq stone rings?

    It has been worn as amulets or used as ornaments for a long time. These days, aqeeq stones engraved in 925k sterling silver rings and Yemeni aqeeq rings are very common. Men’s aqeeq stone rings are more common than women’s.

    It is more about belief and the effects of stones are more visible on some people than others; but the benefits

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  4. الخاتم الفضي المرصع بالعقيق

    الخاتم الفضي المرصع بالعقيق

    هل فكرت يوما في ارتداء خاتم فضي مرصع بالعقيق او الاحجار الكريمة. هل مللت من ايجاد شكل وديكور الاكسوسوارالذي يستهويك؟

    اوتا سيلفر موقع تركي متميز يمنحك افضل العروض، ويوفر لك خاتما فضيا مرصعا بالعقيق و مستلهما من التراث العتماني. نحن نمنح العناية الفائقة لكل الأساور والحلي الفضية والذهبية التي يبدعها صناعنا التقليدين الاتراك، وذلك ايمانا منا بان ارضاء زبنائنا هو افضل ضمان لاستمراريتنا في سوق الفضة و الذهب الذي يعرف منافسة شرسة.

    كما تفخر شركتنا بكون خواتمنا الفضية المرصعة بالعقيق و الاحجار الكريمة قد لقيت اقبالا متميزا في كل انحاء العالم، و عبر اشهر الاسواق الالكترونية مثل "إي باي"، كونها مصنوعة بأيدي صناع تقليديين اتراك وفي العاصمة اسطنبول، مهد الامبراطورية العثمانية، و لكونها تختزل في رونقها و جمالها الفن التراثي التركي الذى ما فتئ يعلو صيته شيئا فشيئا خصوصا في أوربا،شمال افريقيا و الشرق الاوسط.

    "اوتا سيلفر" توفر لك خاتما رجاليا فضيا يناسب جميع المقاسات و بالوان زهية و مبهرة، لا مزيد من الحيرة في الاختيار، و لا مزيد من صرف اموال طائلة مقابل حلي غير أصيل يفقد رونقه

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